Our Company

The company consists of fully organised sections keeping its promises, making at the same time a constant impovement of its providing products and services.

The sections as presented, are impeccably infrastractured with straightforward roles and scopes.


EX-Van to cover and service smaller customers.

Any investments of modernising and expansion the company has materialised until today, have been done with its own capital.

Our company pays special emphasis on environmental consciousness, making any possible effort to diminish the effects on the environment and the energy footprint with constant investments and education of its employees. It has photovoltaic installations of 40 Kwp. The sum of machines run on electric power produced by renewable energy sources while it has full management of waste material via recycling.

The recent years, the second generation is contributing with modern knowledge and an effort to implement technical knowledge, making the modernisation necessary with means, equipment and technology in order to achieve a healthier future and a long lasting course in the field.